My classes are relaxed, friendly and not intimidating - all ages, people from different walks of life, women and men and various different levels of fitness. At the end of the day, it’s just about movement of energy and having a bit of fun - it is after all, only yoga.
Each class starts with a quiet centring and connecting to our breath, we then move through some flow work, focus on some key poses, and we always finish with a relaxation.
I am passionate about people practising safely with the body they bring to the mat, not the ideal body they wish they might have come with! So, I incorporate modifications where necessary and the use of props and always encourage you to stay tuned to your needs.
Each class has a theme and a mantra for the week and you are encouraged to take this mantra off the mat with you into the week ahead. Take a look at the options below and contact me if you have any questions. It’s simply about finding the right class for you and taking the time for yourself.
Hope to see you on the mat soon!